Thursday, November 1, 2012

Election Time Prank / Practical Joke

Oh yes, it is that time again. Elections. We see it all over TV, the radio, and in everyone's front yards. Here is a fun joke to play. Just make sure you do it to someone you know. Don't go into strangers yards and mess with their signs because I don't think they will find it funny.

Simply swap signs. If they have a Romney sign, swap it with an Obama sign. If they have an Obama sign, swap it with Romney. It doesn't matter who you have chosen to vote for. This is just for fun.

We pulled this prank on both my father and my neighbor. It really got a raise out of them! Once you get a good rise out of them, tell them not to worry and that you will get their signs back to them. Trust me, you will all get a good laugh!

 This is our neighbors front yard. They have two Romney signs. We switched them with Obama signs when they left the house. They were in for a shock when they got home!

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